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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 27 - July 8, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Health and Environment
Division of Health Care Finance

Public Notice

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF), requests approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to amend the 1115 Demonstration waiver, KanCare, in order to adopt twelve-month continuous eligibility for parents and other caretaker adults. Since this amendment would allow parents and other caretaker adults to remain eligible for a longer period, KDHE-DHCF believes that there will be a favorable impact on beneficiaries.

The proposed effective date of the amendment is January 1, 2022.

Comment Process

The full public notice statement and complete version of the proposed amendment for review can be found at

Draft copies of the proposed amendment may also be found at a Local Health Department (LHD) or at front desk of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Care Finance, at the address below. Locate the nearest LHD by visiting

Question or comments may be addressed to Kurt Weiter, KDHE/Division of Health Care Finance, 900 SW Jackson St., Room 900-N, Topeka, KS 66612-1220, or email at

Those needing accessibility assistance to review or respond to the proposed amendment may also contact Kurt Weiter by phone at 785-296-8623 or at the email above.

Public comments may be submitted from July 8, 2021 until midnight on August 9, 2021.

Sarah Fertig
State Medicaid Director

Doc. No. 049277